Friday 25 May 2012

10 Ways to a More Charmed Life

I am very devoted to the ability of living my life through a rose-tinted filter. Of course I don’t turn a blind eye to the fact that devastating things do happen, not that I can control every element of my life, but I find that by making the fullest of every day, life feels a whole lot more delightful and magnificent.

1. Don’t save your favourite things for ‘a special occasion’. Life is the special occasion! Treat every day like a party and pile on your favourite jewels each day, wear your favourite party dress often, and spray your favourite perfume as you rush out the door each morning.

2. Whenever you have a complete free day, act as though it’s your birthday. Eat pavlova for breakfast, dance around the room to your favourite songs, throw a dinner party or movie night for your best friends, go to your favourite places… do whatever it is that makes you smile.

3. Practise random acts of kindness. Always demonstrate perfect manners, tell a stranger in the street how great they look, leave a little note with a tip at your local cafe saying how lovely they make their coffee, and send handwritten notes on your favourite note cards. It doesn’t really matter what it is, but doing beautiful, selfless things often will make you smile on the inside.

4. Add warmness to your home. Buy yourself flowers (they needn’t be expensive), buy bed sheets that make bed time feel like a hotel stay, ensure you have a good stack of books that you don’t want to put down, light a gorgeous candle when you come home each evening (I recommend Glasshouse Manhatten), and collect treasures that remind you of happy memories.

5. If you’re in a wardrobe rut, make an effort to do your hair and put on your prettiest heels for no particular reason at all. You’ll spend the day feeling that little bit lovelier.

6. Don’t let grey skies get you down. (They are personally my favourite kind of days) Treat it as an excuse to wear a poppy pink lipstick, an adorable umbrella and perhaps a shot of pastel or fuschia in your outfit (the same optimistic rules apply to bad days or frustrating situations).

7. Don’t get stuck in a grey rut; squeeze your everyday routines to make the special rituals. Can’t function without your morning tea or coffee? Have it in your prettiest china instead so it feels like you’re having a tea party every single morning!

8. One day every week (without fail), go on a date with someone you love (my boyfriend always surprises me with cute little dates). It doesn’t need to be grand or over the top. Why not go somewhere fabulous with your best friend on pay day every single month for a single cocktail? Or get dressed up and go and see a musical you’ve wanted to see for ages all by yourself? Or a bike ride at sunset with your loved one? Whatever it is, make time for special moments with the people you love.

9. Treasure small moments of happiness. Have breakfast in bed on Saturdays, smell every rose you pass on an evening walk, put on a movie that makes you laugh out loud(mine’s Bride Wars and Thelma and Louise), pause to watch the sky turn pink at sunset, have picnics and walk barefoot through the grass on warm summer evenings.

10. If you’re feeling uninspired, broaden your horizons. Make plans to take a trip to a city you’ve always wanted to explore, visit a new museum in your area, or go to your favourite bookstore for something wonderful to read this week.

Instant inspiration!

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